List of projects

At ASAD we create and execute consultancies and cooperation and education for development projects where creativity and communication play a fundamental role because we consider them key factors for the empowerment and active participation of citizens.

Since 2005, the year ASAD was founded, we have implemented the following projects, for a total of 11.382.399€, with a budget spread between 83,9% in Cooperation, 13,6% in Education, 2,5% in Training, and 0,5% in Social Action:

Strengthening of Health in 20 Rural Communities of the Municipality of Patzún

Guatemala. 2006
Financer: ASAD’s own funds
Total budget: 6.000€ 

Sociocultural Animation Training

Praia y Mindelo, Cape Verde. 2006
Financer: ASAD’s own funds
Total budget: 3.000€ 

Strengthening of Community Radio Stations on the Island of Santiago

Cape Verde. 2007
Financer: CICODE – University of Granada
CICODE grant: 15.000€ 
Total budget: 34.618€ 

Documentary on Cape Verdean Culture and Social Reality

Cape Verde. 2008
Financer: Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
AECID grant: 58.250€ 
Total budget: 125.000€ 

Construction of a School

Bubaque, Bijagós, Guinea Bissau. 2008-2010
Financer: Albolote City Council (Granada)
Albolote City Council Grant: 16.100€ 
Total budget: 20.000€ 

Strengthening of the technical and human capacities of the Community Radio Djan Djan

Bubaque, Bijagós, Guinea Bissau. 2009-2010
Financer: ASAD’s own funds
Total budget: 5.000€ 

Construction of the Blood Bank of the Hospital de Bubaque

Bijagós, Guinea Bissau. 2010
Financer: ASAD’s own funds
Total budget: 3.500€ 

Access to basic medicines for the Indigenous population Consultant of the Renaissance Association

Patzún, Guatemala. 2010
Financer: Albolote City Council (Granada)
Total budget: 5.670€

Strengthening of the Tonle Sap Region Conservation and Development Program

Cambodia. 2010-2011
Financer: CICODE – University of Granada
CICODE grant: 16.000€ 
Total budget: 53.968€ 

Educational Project: Technical and entrepreneurship training for youth from the municipality of Paztún

Patzún, Guatemala. 2011-2012
Financer: CICODE
CICODE grant: 15.000€ 
Total budget: 40.254€ 

Construction of community development center, Bubaque

Bijagós, Guinea Bissau. 2010-2011
Financer: CajaGranada
CajaGranada grant: 25.000€ 
Total budget: 43.200€

Creation of the Community Radio with a Gender Focus in Kratie

Cambodia. 2010-2011
Financer: Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
AECID Grant: 91.95€ 
Total budget: 126.450€ 

Strengthening and Commissioning of Kratie and Stung Treng Community Radios with a Gender Perspective

Cambodia. 2012-2013
Financer: Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
AECID grant: 280.000€ 
Total budget: 363.226€ 

Communicate Your Rights

Granada, Spain. 2012-2013
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation grant:  63,490 €
Total budget: 76,376 €

Creation of the Multimedia Community Center of Radio Djan Djan. Bubaque

Bijagós, Guinea Bissau. 2010-2011
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 162.985€ 
Total budget: 205.405€ 

Promotion of sustainable entrepreneurial initiatives on the island of Budaque

Bubaque, Guinea Bissau. 2013-2014
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 142.815€ 
Total budget: 178.533€ 

Implic-Art in the Culture of Peace through audiovisual tools

Granada, Spain. 2013-2014
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 54.660€ 
Total budget: 68.341€ 

Awareness of Local Development through the performing arts

Granada, Spain. 2013-2014
Financer: CICODE
CICODE Grant: 3,000€ 
Total budget: 5,620€ 

Communicated Rights-two

Granada, Spain. 2015-2016
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 79.980€ 
Total budget: 83.480€ 

Activ-art: Global communication, art and local transformation

Granada, Spain. 2015-2016
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Total budget: 79.987€ 

Training in communication and gender of Andalusian development agents

Granada, Spain. 2015-2016
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 39.997€
Total budget: 40.000€

Improving access to employment by promoting entrepreneurial culture and social entrepreneurship in the most vulnerable areas of the Barahona province (Dominican Republic)

Dominican Republic. 2015-2017
Financer: CICODE – University of Granada
CICODE Grant: 25.683€
Total budget: 35.873€

Implic-art in the Culture of Peace, Care Economy and Sentimental Education

Granada, Spain. 2016-2017
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 79.943€
Total budget: 80.000€

Improvement of the socio-educational conditions of the Sub-regional Institute of Bubaque

Bubaque, Guinea Bissau. 2016-2018
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID Grant: 299.999€
Total budget: 305.988€

Activate against poverty: global citizenship, communication and alternatives for social change

Granada, Spain. 2016-2017
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID Grant: 79.999€
Total budget: 80.000€

Strengthening the capacities in Strategic Communication for Comprehensive Risk Management of the SN-PMR of the Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic. 2016-2017
Financer: National Fund for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Response of the Government of the Dominican Republic and AECID
Grant: 6.994.160 DOP (139.230€)
Total budget: 7.889.712 DOP (158.898€)

Images of Immigration on the Southern Border: education and intercultural coexistence

Spain. 2017
Financer: La Caixa Banking Foundation
Total budget: 6.3055€ (ASAD has only executed one component, in collaboration with the University of Granada

Expres-arte from the Culture of Peace: Digital and Interpersonal Nonviolent Communication

Granada, Spain. 2017-2018
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Total budget: 79.969€

Activ-arte for diversity in equity: global citizenship, communication and alternatives in favor of gender equality and cultural diversity

Granada, Spain. 2017-2018
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Total budget: 79.969€

Moviliz-arte: mobilization and political advocacy through training in inclusive communicational alternatives for social change

Granada, Spain. 2017-2018
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Total budget: 79.987€

Activ-arte for environmental sustainability and equity, communicating from neighborhoods

Granada, Spain. 2018-2019
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 79.977€
Total budget: 83.977€

Implic-Arte in the sustainability of life through emancipatory communication

Granada, Spain. 2018-2019
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 79.829€
Total budget: 83.829€

Communicate to live together

Granada, Spain. 2019
Financer: Granada Provincial Council
Provincial Grant: 2.170€
Total budget: 2.590€

Valor-Arte in affective relationships from sentimental education and emancipatory communication

Granada, Spain. 2019-2020
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 79.646€
Total budget: 83.801€

Form-Arte: Training of Andalusian educational agents for the introduction of the SDGs in teaching through communication for change

Granada, Spain. 2019-2020
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID Grant: 79.998€
Total budget: 83.998€

Activ-Arte for communication for local action from a gender and intersectional perspective

Granada, Spain. 2019-2020
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 79.910€
Total budget: 84.065€

Improved food sovereignty in the northern region of the Bijagós Islands through the economic and social empowerment of groups of rural women

Bijagos Islands, Guinea-Bissau. 2019-2020
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID Grant: 289.636€
Total budget: 314.636€

Corrala of Empathy

Granada, Spain. 2019
Financer: Granada City Council
Granada City Council Grant: 1.200€
Total budget: 1.275€

Defense and promotion of Human Rights through the projection of short films on social transformation

Granada, Spain. 2020
Financer: MAEUEC
MAEUEC grant: 7.000€
Total budget: 9.333€

MIGRIMAGE Spain. 2020-2022

Financer: Erasmus + KA2 Project
Budget managed by ASAD: 42,251€
Total project budget: 289,247€

Strengthening the quality of education in the Bijagós archipelago, Guinea Bissau

Bijagos Islands, Guinea-Bissau. 2020-2021
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID Grant: 299.510€
Total budget: 299.510€

Women survivors of violence, agents of change for social transformation with the support of CAIMUS, Guatemala

Guatemala. 2020-2021
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 211.727€
Total budget: 221.727€

Get informed: young people for critical journalism against discriminatory discourses

Granada, Spain. 2020-2021
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 79.965€
Total budget: 83.965€

Viralization: training of Andalusian social agents in innovative communication tools to spread the SDGs and combat discrimination

Granada, Spain. 2020-2021
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
AACID grant: 79.539€
Total budget: 84.139€

Zaidín intercultural: communicates and media

Spain. 2020-2021
Financer: Fundación La Caixa y Diputación de Granada
Fundación La Caixa budget: 36,000€
La Caixa Foundation Grant:  10,020€
Total budget:  37,020€

#MujeresIncidiendo: Strengthening capacities for the mobilization and political incidence of Dominican organizations that work for women’s rights

Dominican Republic. 2021-2022
Financer: Diputación de Granada
Diputación de Granada budget: 26,999€
Total budget:  29,999€

Installation of water systems to improve food sovereignty in the Bijagós Islands

Guinea-Bissau. 2021.
Financer: Eurofins Foundation
Budget financed: 25,000€

Border Entrepreneur Challenge

Dominican Republic. 2021

Improve the personal and economic autonomy of women survivors of violence in the face of the socio-economic impact caused by COVID-19, through the strengthening of the CAIMUS of Chimaltenango and Baja Verapaz (Rabinal)

Guatemala. 2021-2023
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) budget: 259.494€
Total budget: 274.386 €

#Informadxs: Young people dismantling prejudices through critical analysis of media discourses

Spain. 2022
Financer: Diputación de Granada
Diputación de Granada budget: 12,000€
Total budget: 14,120€

Improve prevention and care of violence against women, adolescents and girls, exacerbated by COVID-19, in the department of Chimaltenango by strengthening the CAIMUS and community and institutional capacities

Guatemala. 2022 – 2024
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) budget : 277,292€
Total budget: 263,392€

Improve sustainable socioeconomic development in 4 communities in the Bafatá region, by increasing community agricultural production and empowering groups of peasant women

Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) budget: 299,969€
Total budget: 316,869€

#Awakened Young People creating community resilience through critical communication for the reduction of inequalities (SDG10), the promotion of responsible consumption (SDG12) and gender equality (SDG5)

Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) budget: 79,595€
Total budget: 84,255€

Improve access to adequate, sustainable and environmentally friendly sanitation for the families of Callejón 10, La Ciénaga

Dominican Republic. 2022 – 2023
Financer: Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) budget: 250,635€
Total budget: 260,573€

#ActúaResiliente: Building socio-ecological resilience through the communicative empowerment of Andalusian citizens committed to promoting environmental sustainability and gender equity (ODS, 3, 5 and 11)

Spain. 2022-2023
Financer:Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) budget: 79,413€
Total budget: 84,154 €

Community tourism and social communication: Entrepreneurship opportunities for young people in Nariño

Colombia. 2023-2024
Financer: Granada City Council
Granada City Council budget: 22.800€
Total budget:  28.839

Zaídin Communicate and Media 2.0

Financer: La Caixa Foundation
La Caixa Foundation budget: 27.774€
Total budget:  37.032.38€

Juntam/Juntas: Autonomy and Comprehensive Care for Violence-Free Lives of Indigenous and Mestizo Women of Chimaltenango with CAIMUS

Guatemala. 2023- 2024
Financer: Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) budget: 376.072€
Total budget: 386.072 €

#Generacciónz: Youth involved in addressing inequalities between countries in the global North and South from youth participation and the right to communication

Spain. 2022-2023
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) budget: 79,943€
Total budget: 84,543 €

Improvement of economic and employment opportunities, food security and access to clean water, education and electricity in Guinea-Bissau, Bolama Region, Island of Bubaque through basic infrastructure development, vocational training and business promotion

Guinea-Bissau 2023-2025
Financer: Fund for Regional Stabilisation and Development in fragile Regions within ECOWAS Membe States, (FRSD) financed by Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Total budget:  2.511.235 €

+Iguales: Didactic tools for education professionals for the prevention, awareness and fight against all forms of violence against women in adolescence and youth has the general objective of eradicating all forms of violence against women

España 2023
Financer: Ministerio de Igualdad. Secretaría de Estado de Igualdad y Contra la Violencia de Género.
Grant: 12.000 €
Total budget: 13.335 €

To prevent violence against women in the communities of Batey Yaco, Cambita, Hato Viejo, Hatillo and Los Guandules in the Dominican Republic by promoting a network of safe communities and improving their personal and economic autonomy.

República Dominicana.2024- 2025
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) budget:300.000 €
Total budget: 317.416€

#RuralizArte for the SDGs: Strengthening the commitment of the rural world to the 2030 Agenda through participatory cultural processes.

Spain. 2024
Financer:  Diputación de Granada
Diputación de Granada budget: 14.990 €
Total budget: 17.914,00 €

#MoreThanwords: To increase critical thinking and commitment of Andalusian society to SDGs 5 and 10 by promoting the plurality of stories through an educommunication PSA among groups affected by discrimination and students in the social field.

Spain 2024- 2025
Financer: Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID)
Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) budget: 79.468 €
Total budget: 83.568,00€

To improve sustainable socio-economic development in 4 communities and the main town in the Gabu region, through increased horticultural production, rural economic entrepreneurship, vocational training and improvement of basic infrastructure

Guinea-Bissau 2024-2025
Financer: Fund for Regional Stabilisation and Development in fragile Regions within ECOWAS Membe States, (FRSD) financed by Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Total budget: 1.248.663,00€

To improve sustainable socio-economic development in 4 communities and the main town in the Gabu region, through increased horticultural production, rural economic entrepreneurship, vocational training and improvement of basic infrastructure.

Guinea-Bissau 2023-2025
Financer: Fund for Regional Stabilisation and Development in fragile Regions within ECOWAS Membe States, (FRSD) financed by Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Total budget: 1.202.501,00€