We carry out development cooperation projects alongside our local counterparts. We work together with local institutions to identify the needs of the community and respond to them by designing, gathering funding, implementing, and evaluating development cooperation projects. 

Our Partners

Since we began working, our local partners have been:

Algeria, Tindouf refugee camps (Sahara)

Smara Special Education Center, Tindouf Refugee Camps, Algeria

Cape Verde

United Nations Volunteers – UNV, Cape Verde

Cape Verde

NGO Platform, Cape Verde

Cape Verde

Community Radio Santa Krus, Cape Verde

Cape Verde

Community Radio voice of Ponta d’Agua, Cape Verde

Cape Verde

Association for Cooperation with Cape Verde


Osmose, Conservation, Education, Ecotourism, Camboya


Kampuchea Women Welfare Action (KWWA), Camboya


Women’s Media Centre of Cambodia


Women’s Community Voices


Renacimiento association. Guatemala


Las Poderosas Teatro


GGM (Grupo Guatemalteco de Mujeres)


ASOGEN (Asociación Generando Equidad, Liderazgo y Oportunidades)

Guinea Bissau

Djan-Djan Community Radio / Tebenkan Community Multimedia Center, Guinea-Bissau

Guinea Bissau

Action for the integrated development of the Bijagós Islands

Guinea Bissau

Liceu Sub-Regional Bubaque

Guinea Bissau

Associação Nacional de Pais e Encarregados da Educação

Guinea Bissau

TINIGUENA. Esta terra é nossa.

Dominican Republic

National Emergency Center

Dominican Republic

FLACSO (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences)

Dominican Republic

UCATEBA (Catholic Technological University of Barahona)

Dominican Republic


Dominican Republic

INTEC (Technological Institute of Santo Domingo)

Dominican Republic

CIPAF (Centro de Investigación para la Acción Femenina)

Dominican Republic

Ciudad Alternativa

Local Networks

In addition, our relationships with local organizations allow us to be connected to realities closer to home and to participate in initiatives happening in Granada’s own neighborhoods. For that reason, ASAD participates in the following initiatives:

ASAD is a member of the Coordinadora de ONGD de Granada, coming together with local organizations for campaigns such as Pobreza Cero and playing an active role in the group for development education, as well as the group for communication. 

The Coordinadora Andaluza de ONGD unites the voices of many third-sector organizations whose headquarters are in Andalusia. It is a respected representative that looks out for the interests of social and nonprofit institutions.

ASAD is part of the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Partner Organizations

ASAD works with a wide network of partner organizations with whom we carry out various activities and new initiatives in the city of Granada. Here we offer direct links to their websites, which is the best way to learn more about them:

Animasur, CAU (Centro de Artes Urbanas) y Escuela Internacional de Circo y Teatro CAU

ASAD has been working for over 7 years with the street theater company Animasur, as well its urban arts center, CAU, and its school of circus and theater. Together, we put on activist performances and carry out training in performance arts for social change. 

 www.animasur.es and www.caugranada.com 

4000 Flores, La Ampliadora and PA-TA-TA Festival

As a fundamental part of our work in communication for social transformation, ASAD has been collaborating since 2012 with 4000 Flores, an organization dedicated to photography (including training and organization of cultural events), that in 2014 founded the social photography school La Ampliadora

4000 Flores also created and offered us a space in the PA-TA-TA Festival, an international photography festival in Granada that has supported our social audiovisual competition EDITA since its beginning.

www.4000flores.com – www.laampliadora.org – www.pa-ta-ta.com

UTOPI Transmedia

Since the making of our musical documentary Kontinuasom back in 2008/2009, we have worked on a permanent basis with Utopi Transmedia, a producer of audiovisual research and new media.
