Historiarte for equality is a joint initiative between ASAD and Historiarte los sentidos to raise awareness, prevention, sensitization and innovation for the eradication of different forms of violence against women through the development of educational podcasts with a gender perspective.
The #RuralizArte project aims to increase critical thinking and commitment to SDGs 5, 10 and 13 in the province of Granada through high-impact participatory cultural actions and the communicative empowerment of the rural population.
The #MásQPalabras project aims to increase critical thinking and commitment in Andalusian society (SDGs 5 and 10) by promoting the plurality of stories created among groups affected by discrimination, and students from the social field with a participatory communication Learning and Service (ApS) programme.
The project aims to promote in Andalusian society a commitment to sustainable lifestyles, gender equality, the culture of peace, cultural diversity and global citizenship through the exercise of youth participation by means of active intervention in different educational centres in the city of Granada.
The project +Iguales: Didactic tools for education professionals for the prevention, awareness and fight against all forms of violence against women in adolescence and youth has the general objective of eradicating all forms of violence against women, attacking the structural causes that sustain it and guaranteeing women’s rights.
The general objective of the project is to create spaces for intercultural community participation in El Zaidín, through the tools of mediation, the strengthening of networking and communication for social change. To this end, various participatory actions will be implemented to strengthen community participation and generate neighbourhood structures for intercultural participation.
#ActúaResiliente project intends knowledge, comprehension and social cohesion of Andalusian society towards environmental sustainability and gender equality, through communication tools and strategies for social change.
The #JóvenesDespiertxs project aims to promote in Andalusian society a commitment to sustainable lifestyles, gender equality, culture of peace, cultural diversity and global citizenship (target 4.7 of the SDGs) through the exercise of youth participation.
Migrimage project: migration images on the southern border aims to challenge the citizens of three European countries bordering the Mediterranean (Spain, Greece and Italy) on the need for knowledge and responsible use of the information that circulates on migration.
This project aims to promote in Granada society a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals related to gender equality, respect for diversity in a peaceful society, the reduction of inequalities and the conservation of the environment.
ViralizAcción: Training Andalusian social agents in innovative communication tools to disseminate the SDGs and fight against discrimination and respond to the training needs of Andalusian social agents in innovative mass communication tools (cyber-activism, radio, audiovisual artivism transmedia) for the creation of speeches in favor of the SDGs in the face of the rise of disinformation and discriminatory messages..
The InFormArte project: young people for a critical journalism against discriminatory discourse aims to promote in Andalusian society a commitment to Human Rights and respect for diversity through communication tools for social change with a gender focus. To this end, secondary school students in the province of Granada will be involved in the eradication of discriminatory discourse through the exercise of the right to communication.
The project Zaidín intercultural: comunica y media aims to promote intercultural community participation in Zaidín, Granada, through mediation and communication tools for social change. The project is carried out in partnership with the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants (Asociación Marroquí para la Integración de los Inmigrantes).
The project FormArte: Training Andalusian educators for the introduction of the Sustainable Development Goals in the curriculum through communication for social change hopes to increase the knowledge, understanding, and unification of Andalusian society for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through communicative tools for social change with a focus on gender applied to secondary education.
The project ActivArte for communication for local action with a focus on gender and intersectionality hopes to increase the knowledge, understanding, and unification of Andalusian society for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals from an analysis of local issues, with a focus on gender and intersectionality, through tools and strategies of communication for social transformation.
ValorArte: Value yourself in affective relationships through emotional education and liberating communication hopes to promote knowledge and critical reflection in Andalusian society about the culture of peace and the eradication of gender-based violence, as well as all forms of discrimination against women, through education dealing with emotions, the care economy, healthy relationships, and respect, using the strategies and tools of communication for social change.
The project Defense and promotion of Human Rights through the Screening of short films for social change aims to raise awareness of the importance of human rights protection among the secondary school community through the screening of short films on human rights and film forum sessions.
ActivArte for environmental sustainability and equity, communicating from the neighborhoods is a project that seeks to reach the population of Granada with the design and implementation of a communication campaign for social change that deals with the subjects of environmental sustainability and gender equity.
The House of Empathy hopes to draw attention to the main axes of inequality that cut across the lives and experiences of women living in Granada, as well as highlight their personal stories through the use of artistic and communicative tools for social change.
Communicate to Coexist aims to promote intercultural harmony and the inclusion of migrant and refugee populations, as well as spread and encourage sustainable ways of life based in regenerative agriculture as an alternative way to restore local economies and generate employment in rural areas.
ImplicArte: Get involved in the sustainability of life through liberating communication is a project that looks to foster knowledge and critical reflection in the population of Andalusia about themes such as sustainable development, gender equity, and emotional education through tools and strategies of artistic communication.
The project MovilizArte: A Call to Action seeks to promote active and critical citizenship with the capacity to impact public policy by improving community organization and social mobilization and fostering a culture of participative democracy.
ActivArte for Diversity in Equity is a project that aims to reach the population of Granada with the development of an innovative communication campaign for social change about gender equity and cultural diversity.
ExpresArte: Express Yourself from the Culture of Peace is a project that seeks to engage Andalusian society with nonviolent digital and interpersonal communication based on the defense of cultural diversity, gender equality, and human rights
The project Images of Immigration seeks to promote an attitude of coexistence and social cohesion based on respect for diversity. To accomplish this goal, the project focuses on building young people’s analytical and critical thinking skills through tools and strategies of communication for social change with an intercultural perspective generated by 300 young people.
ActivArte Against Poverty is a project that hopes to reach the citizens of Granada by developing an innovative, dynamic, and participative methodology to engage, mobilize, and involve them in the fight against poverty through an awareness campaign with an emphasis on gender.
The project ImplicArte: Get Involved in the culture of peace, care economy, and emotional education wants to involve the population of Granada in the commitment to a culture of peace, the care economy, and emotional education through tools and strategies of communication for social change generated by 160 young people.
The project Training in gender and communication for development professionals in Andalusia seeks to train Andalusian social agents in participative tools for assessment, planning, and implementation of internal institutional communication and communication for development.
The project ActivArte: Global communication, art, and local transformation empowers the citizens of Granada to mobilize themselves and get involved in the Millennium Development Goals through a participant-led campaign of communication for social change with a focus on gender equity.
Communicated Rights seeks to involve Granada in the promotion of human rights through strategies and tools of communication for social change, which will be developed and planned by 150 high school students.
The project Awareness about local development through theatrical arts has the objective of raising awareness among Granadans about the importance of knowing, understanding, and being actively involved as promoters of Local Human Development, supporting creative solutions emerging from Granadan collectives and organizations.
The project ImplicArte in the Culture of Peace: Communicate for social change seeks to involve 300 students from Granada in the promotion of the culture of peace, diversity, and human rights through strategies and tools of social communication.
The project Communicate Your Rights seeks to increase students’ knowledge and awareness of Human Rights, getting them involved in the conversation through cinema, photography, and theatre. These tools of communication allow us to change our perspective of our own reality as well as develop empathy and understanding of the experiences of others.