Downloadable transparency documents
Downloadable transparency documents
We have data from more years but we only include historical data up to 2012. If there is any information that you wish to consult, please contact us.
We have data from more years but we only include historical data up to 2012. If there is any information that you wish to consult, please contact us.
Audit 2022 – ASAD
Audit 2021 – ASAD
Audit 2020 – ASAD
Audit 2019 – ASAD
Audit 2018 – ASAD
Project “Community Radios with Gender Perspective in Stung Treng and Kratie, Cambodia”:
Project “Get involved in the Culture of Peace”, Spain:
Project “Creation and strengthening of the Community Multimedia Center with a gender focus on the Island of Bubaque, Guinea Bissau”:
Project “Training in communication and gender of Andalusian development agents”, Spain:
Project “Communicated Rights”, Spain:
Proyecto “Activarte: global communication, art and local transformation”, Spain:
Project “Promotion of sustainable entrepreneurial initiatives on the Island of Bubaque, Guinea Bissau”:
Project “Get involved in the Culture of Peace, Care Economy and Sentimental Education” Spain:
Project “Activate against poverty: Global citizenship, communication and alternatives for social change”, Spain:
Project “Improvement of the socio-educational conditions of the Sub-regional Institute of Bubaque”, Guinea-Bissau: